Accent Training Podcast

#064 How to Pronounce Man, Plan & Jam

Season 3 Episode 64

The A sound in the American accent receives a unique pronunciation when followed by an N or an M. We hear this in words like "Man" or "Banana", but it's difficult to understand exactly what is going on!
Listen on in to get a grasp on this concept, and see how you too can change your pronunciation of  these words!

Practice along with these sentences here:
A plan to trap the wild animal.
Learning Spanish can advance your plans.  
Jan ran behind schedule due to a traffic jam.  
Stan plans on running a scam from his tan van. 

Practice with THESE Tongue Twisters!
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans? As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans.

Try these idiomatic expressions!
Give (someone) a hand To help someone
I’ll give the man a hand sorting out his plan.  

Having a leg to stand on Proof, or defence for an argument
He doesn’t have a leg to stand on, he doesn’t even know this topic. 

Bury your head in the sand Ignoring unpleasant realities
Don’t just bury your head in the sand, make a plan!  

To hold out an olive branch A gesture of making peace
If you’re fighting with a friend, hold out an olive branch and solve it!