Accent Training Podcast

#105 How to Develop the American Twang for Yourself

March 24, 2022 Season 5 Episode 105
Accent Training Podcast
#105 How to Develop the American Twang for Yourself
Show Notes

While many consonant sounds are generally shared through all accents, vowel sounds help us to determine specific regions that people may be from. Today we'll breakdown a couple of sounds that contribute to the "American twang". These sounds are not 100% necessary for your spoken English to thrive, but will certainly give your English speech a unique, American sound.

Check out my video course on Udemy to master your use of Syllable stress!

Follow along with these idiomatic Expressions:

1. To stand one's ground
Holding true to one's beliefs
Whether you're right or wrong, if you stand your ground, you'll prove a point. 

2. Safe and sound Out of danger and unharmed
Let me know once you're safe and sound, at home.

3. Pounding down
 Striking downwards repeatedly and forcefully
The rain pounded down for hours. 

4. Give someone a hand  To help someone
Give me a hand so that I can finish this quickly. 

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